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Mar 22, 2017

Four Key Customer Service Mistakes Your Company Must Avoid

Dan Rose, Content Creator at SkillPath

Every company needs to make customer service a priority. The satisfaction and loyalty of clients is crucial to the success of a business. Employees will make errors, but it’s necessary for leaders to train their workers to notice when they’ve made blunders. Let’s take a look at common customer service mistakes employees should avoid:

  1. Ignoring customers’ feelings

Emotions can sway clients’ purchases. Happiness can result in larger transactions, while angry customers may refuse to buy anything at all. It is vital companies and their employees pay attention to their audience’s state of mind during the selling period. Failure to do so could mean the loss of valuable customers. Clients want to know their business is appreciated and their emotions matter. A positive experience makes the odds of a customer returning and remaining loyal better. Customer service mistakes won’t.

  1. Poor service hours

A business’s service doesn’t end when its hours of operations do. Limiting customer care times to a 9 to 5 schedule can be detrimental to client’s opinion of a company. Instead, enterprises should focus on making the experience convenient for buyers. Staggering customer service hours enables customers to call at the right time for them and receive stellar care. Even if phone lines can’t stay open, keep the chat option available after normal business hours.

  1. Discounting social media

It’s easy for companies to get behind on certain responsibilities during busy seasons. Social media accounts can fall by the wayside, which causes customers to wonder what is happening behind the scenes. Businesses need to make sure their social pages stay as up to date as possible, no matter how strapped for time they are. Clients often reach out via social media to communicate their criticisms and failing to address those comments will only anger customers more.


  1. Too much upselling

When customers reach out for assistance, they want the process to be quick and easy. Forcing too much additional information into the conversation will lead clients to become disengaged from the interaction. Businesses need to keep the upselling to a minimum and make sure the dialogue is appropriate for the situation. It’s all about finding the proper context for a selling opportunity. If it seems like businesses are trying to take advantage of a customer’s’ time and money, that consumer is more unlikely to return.

Customer care is crucial to the success of a company. Employees should make sure to avoid these four common service mistakes to ensure the return of valuable clients.



Dan Rose

Content Creator at SkillPath

Dan Rose is a content creator at SkillPath who uses his experience from a 30-year writing career to focus on timely events that impact today’s business world.

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